Third Meeting of the National Ganga River Basin Authority- Saurabh Chandra Appointed Secretary, DIPP
- Indian Forest Service Examination, 2012.
- Growth Outlook Should Now Improve; Monetary
- Union Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee's Speech at Annual General Meeting and National Conference of CII
- 2nd India-Azerbaijan Inter- Governmental Commission Reviews Bilateral Economic Relations
- Chairman AEPC Compliments Commerce Minister for Trade touching 300 billion US $
- High under-Recoveries on HSD, PDS Kerosene, Domrstic LPG; W.E.F.16th A! pril 2012
- APGDC Inks Pact with GDF Suez LNG UK for setting up FSRU in Andhra Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project Approved
- Railway Revenue Earnings up by 16.63 per Cent during the Period 1ST - 10th April 2012
- World IT Forum 2012 Opens in New Delhi
E-Governance Empowers Common Man, Promotes Government Accountability, Says Kapil Sibal - GOI accords great importance to equitable health care: Azad
- Mission Steering Group for NRHM holds 8th Meeting Hib Vaccines to be introduced in 6 more States Uniform Branding of MMUs as "Rashtriya Mobile Medical Unit"
More Incentives to ASHAs Approved - President Confers Gallantry and Distinguished Service Awards
- Afghanistan Election Officials receive training at India International Institute of Election Management IIIDEM of Election Commission of India
- Power Minister Calls for increasing US investment in Indian Power Sector
- Highlights of Achievements of Ministry of Women and Child Development, 2011-2012
- Interests of Investers Needs Protection-Dr. M.Veerappa Moily
- Country's first RFID Technology Based Electronic Toll Plaza to be inaugurated on Thursday
20 Apr 2012
Latest Releases from PIB
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