19 May 2012

DoT celebrates World Telecommunication and Information Day NICF organizes Seminar on “Women and Girls in ICT”

On the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day today, a National Level Seminar on “Women and Girls in ICT” was organized by National Institute of Communication Finance (NICF) - an apex level National Training Institute of Department of Telecommunications. World Telecommunication and Information Day, celebrated each year on 17th May, marks the anniversary of the signature of the first international Telegraph Convention in 1865 which led to the creation of the International Telecommunication Unit. 

About 50 plus senior officer of Department of Telecommunication (DoT) from all over the country participated in the seminar at Ghaziabad Campus of NICF. Participants resolved to use and promote Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide new digital opportunities to women and girls in every corner of India. Presentations were made to cover various perspectives on the theme “Women and Girls in ICT Sector”. Need for bridging the digital gap between man and woman as well as ways and means to provide gender neutral technological development in the field of ICT was recommended. The role professional women can play in further developing and servicing a dynamic and competitive ICT sector needs to be acknowledged and supported by Governments, private sector, donors, civil society and education sectors etc. 

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