PM chairs meeting of National Committee on celebrating Motilal Nehruji's 150th birth anniversary- PM's speech at the first meeting of the National Committee for Commemoration of 150th Bir! th Anniversary of Shri Motilal Nehru
- Schedule of SCRA Personality Test
- Central Assistance of Rs. 7764.45 Lakh Sanctioned to States under PYKKA
- Press Note
- Union Finance Minister to Inaugurate the Annual Conference of Chief Commissioners and Directors General of Income Tax
- Exchange Rates Relating to Imported and Export Goods Notified
- Anand Sharma Addresses National Seminar on Foreign Trade Policy
- 3rd Meeting of India-Kazakhstan Joint Working Group on Textiles Held India-Kazakhstan Sign MoU on Cooperation in Textiles Sector
- International Crude oil Price of Indian Basket Declines to US$ 98.37/BBL on 07.06.2012
- Petroleum Minister Jaipal Reddy Presents Petrofed Awards 2011
- Inter-Se Seniority of the Employees of Erstwhile National Airports Authority and International Airports Authority to be Settled in 45 Days
- Sowing of Kharif oilseeds begins
over 84,000 hectares covered so far - New Hostels Inaugurated at IIT Delhi
- Antony Felilcitates Services Sportspersons
- First Bilateral Maritime Exercise between India and Japan 'Jimex 12' to Commence on 09 Jun 12
- Induction of Men and Women into Officers Cadre of the IAF
- Air Marshal Paramjit Singh Gill AVSM VM Assumes Appointment of SASO, WAC
- Press-Note
Schedule for bye-elections to fill casual vacancy in Assembly Constituency in the State of Uttarakhand - regarding - New funding pattern approved for IWMP, says Jairam
- National Conference of State Ministers for Minority Welfare
12 Jun 2012
Latest Releases from PIB - 8/6/2012
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