The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting Interviews/Personality Tests for Special Class Railway Apprentices Examination, 2012 from 18-06-2012 to 21-06-2012 in the Commission’s Office at New Delhi. Summon Letters for PT/Interview to all the eligible candidates are being issued. If any candidate has not received summon letter for PT/Interview, he/she may contact on Tel.011-23386267 or can send message on Fax No.011-23387310. He/She may contact UPSC Facilitation Counter near Gate ‘C’ of its campus in person or over Telephone Nos.011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on all working days between 1000 hrs to 1700 hrs. The schedule of Interviews/Personality Tests will also be available on Union Public Service Commission Website at This is to be underlined that mobile phones are banned in the campus on UPSC Examination Halls.
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