Shri Jawahar Thakur has taken over as Controller General of Accounts on 1st July, 2012. He belongs to the Indian Civil Accounts Service of 1979 batch. Shri Thakur is a Post Graduate and also a Law Graduate from Delhi University. He has a Degree of M.Sc. in Public Economic Management from University of Birmingham, U.K. and Diploma in Public Financial Management from the University of Strathclyde, UK. He has also undergone training in the University of Georgia and Harward University, USA. He has extensive experience in the areas of Public Financial Management and has worked in diverse capacities in the Ministries of Earth Sciences, Commerce, Human Resource Development, Science & Technology, Labour, Health, Home Affairs and Finance. He is known for his initiatives in the area of development of an effective financial management information system
10 Jul 2012
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